Tuesday, May 10, 2005

05-05+06+07-05: 1 Exam, 1 Convocation Ceremony, 1 hell of a Party and 1 Rotted Honeydew I

The last PKG 815 exam was on Thursday from 10 am to noon…, but I got bored and left the room 30 min before the deadline…don’t get me wrong…it’s not ‘coz I’m sure I’ll get a full mark or anything…but it’s nothing else I could do…

Let’s see…there’s 3 2-page-long calculations and other 4 half-to-two-page-long writing questions…I’m sure I got 2 calculations and 2 writing correct…for the other 2 writing, I knew I got some part right…, but not sure I will get full mark…for another calculation question…I’m sure I got all the calculation methods correct…, but not sure I got the correct answer…’coz there’s one key word I didn’t recognize what it is…it’s the activation energy value with the unit of ‘deg-mole’

What in the name of god is ‘deg-mole’ ?

I stared at the word for 10 mins, then decided that no matter what it is I’ll treat it as ‘mole’…and proceed with the correct calculation methods…, so I’ll get full mark on the correct method…and hopefully almost-full-mark on the probably-not-a-correct answer :P

And ‘til now I still don’t know for sure what ‘deg-mole’ is…the scientific dictionary said that it’s the abbreviation of ‘degree’…, if that’s the case…deg-mole can be simplify as just ‘mole’…so why on earth did Dr.Rubino put it in the unit in the first place ?...I sensed the possibility of stupidity testing from her…probably just to trick us…if so,…she totally got me :)

Heck,…since I got 98 and 100 for the first two exam…and 99, 98 and 98 for the first 3 reports (not sure what I got for the forth and the term paper and the presentation though), I figured being 5-10 marks shy from a hundred (which will be divide by 5 to give 20 marks in final grading) will still be an A for me…plus it’s rare occasion to loose some point on my stupidity…I walked out off the room with just a little hesitation.

then I, Turk and Prang met with Mod for lunch at Omi restaurant, my…or better say…I and Turk’s favorite place.

Then we went back to PKG building for Turk to take picture with PKG people


From left to right: P'Kate, me, Turk and Prang

The next day, May 6th, was Turk’s convocation ceremony…and also P’Oh’s moving day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terk is really like Chinese, Japanese or even Korean mak mak...