Friday, March 25, 2005

03-02+...+25-05: There're something about my straight face...

It’s Friday, March 25th.

Nothing’s really special during this passing period, March 2nd-25th …um…come to think of it…It has been some changes though.

Let see…

1. I got in to a fight via email with P’Pong, Ajarn Tanus, about some crazy name calling thing…it was too stupid to talk about….after that every email I sent to him (about work, of course) has never been replied :( …I hope he’s just busy, not angry…’coz if such a small conflict like this can offense him this long…I think I’ll never work with him peacefully…well…we’ll see.

2. I do go to bed earlier than before…these days it’s 2-2:30 am rather than 4 am as usual…and this habit developed during my first Spring break

3. I’ve become Mod’s number 3 girlfriend…as she claims herself as a true lesbian…with Terk as girlfriend number 3 !!!...tell you what packaging people is always a bit crazy :)

4. I’m using Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer…according to Mod and Terk (who’re kindda invited themselves into my apartment one day) it’s the safer system, so I switched to MF about a week ago.

5. I got this 10 years old Gumball machine for 5 bucks…now, call me crazy…, but I can stare at it for 15 min with the smile on my face…it just makes the room look so cheerful :) :) :)

6. I got 99 from 100 with a –very good- compliment for my first report…which I have to say I’m really happy about it ‘coz Terk got 98 !!!...555…anyway, that 100 will make only 5% in the final mark…, so let’s don’t make a big deal out of it, shall we ?

7. I switched from drinking Vitamin D added milk to 2% reduced fat milk…’coz the taste of the first one’s suck :P

8. I got PC from Sai, my FT1 student, she sent me PC of Kan’s pic, Chinese keychain which means beautiful friendship, a letter and a CD…which, after listen to the first 3 songs, made me miss my student so bad…I cried about an hour or 2 :(

March 2nd - 25th Posted by Hello

I’m always feel really guilty about coming here, I feel like I left them behind in the time they needed me. Even though everybody keeps reminding me that I do this actually for my (future) students…they will have a better teacher when I got back…which absolutely true…, but what about my first students ?...they’re not gonna be around when I got back…so what’s the benefit to them ?...there’s one thing they should know: No matter what they think, they will always be the most memorable class for me…always be the dearest class I’ll ever experience in my teaching life…and they were, are and will be the inspiration to my every work. They made me wanna be a better teacher…even though they are not gonna be there when I’ve become one :)

There’s something about being a teacher…in some ways your existence might inspired some people around you…I never want my student to be like me, I always want them to be the best they can be, the better them, not the better me…and I always touched every time some of them said something good about me (even though I usually not show any enthusiasm…it’s hard to make straight face when somebody praise you, but I did that all the time…don’t know why :P)…especially when they (and Off) surprised me with the dinner on Full moon night before I left, …when they asked me to say something about them…well, all I feel is how lucky I am to be able to teach them…and how I wanna be a better teacher because of them…how wonderful they are…and they have no idea…how much I love and care about them…that’s all I could think of at that time…I’m sure Off will feel the same way about this…, It turned out, I didn’t say a thing…all I remembered doing was…I just said I’ll tell them this the other time…that would have been hurt for them…, but I just didn’t know what else to do…guess I didn’t wanna turn their smile to their tear or something like that…every good memory, for me, should ended with smile :)

Guess that’s about it…I better get start on my 2nd PKG815 report…and my 2nd exam is coming up this coming Thursday…wish me luck :)