Tuesday, March 01, 2005

03-01-05: I’m wishing…I’m wishing…

I was the first person to get to PKG815 class today…the storm was so severe…it start since yesterday…all day…and continue ‘til now

Everybody arrive after the class start 10 min !

I’m feeling a lot better form the flu…all I have now is just every 15 mins coughing…

Dr.Rubino told us she already marked all exam paper…

She told us the average is around 80 and the highest score is 100…I knew at once it’s Turk’s !...and sure enough I was right

when she said she will give us back our exam paper and go through every question together…


That’s when I start to wish I will see number 8 or number 9 as the beginning of the two digit of my mark (it’s 100 in total)

Look what I’ve got


I wished I'll se number 8 or 9 on my exam paper :) Posted by Hello


555…that is just make my day

…I was shorted 2 marks from 100, ‘coz I forgot to give the unit of the R constant in my calculation…

that’s fine…I’m quite afraid to be perfect, you know ? (:P)

02-16+...+28-05: A Farewell, A Flu, The 1st Exam and A Donut

Hi…long time no news…here’s I am :)

As some of you may know that I was out ill for last couple weeks…well, the past-tense seems a bit incorrect…I am still ill…must be a Flu :(

I couldn’t remember what exactly has happened during this period of my life…

…come to think of it, there’re a few things I do remember vividly

First, of course, the farewell with mom in the morning of Sunday, February 20th

We woke up since 5 am and were ready for a scary-look “Big Daddy Taxi” taxi which came to pick us up at 6 am sharp…

And everything during that time ‘til we gave each other a hug is hazy…all I remember is…how losing someone you love make you realize how much you love them…

I took a Spartan Taxi back home (I wanted to take a bus, but the first one will be at the airport at 9:54 !!)…arrived at my apartment around 8:10 am…made 3 phone calls, one to dad and Pa, one to Chi and one to khun-Ae…took 2 hr nap…and woke up with the more severe flu (I felt a bit ill since Saturday night…guess walking in the snow and wind at the airport accelerate the symptom :P)…

First thing I did after that was to move the sofa…the new adjustment made the room a lot bigger !!...

A couple days after that I couldn’t remember anything except the pain and fatigue from the flu…I didn’t have the flu this severe in years !

Let's take a look a bit closer... Posted by Hello

Second thing I remember was an exam on Tuesday, February 22nd

…it’s my first sit-in and opened book exam (with PKG802 it’s on-line exam) of the program…unfortunately, the day before the exam and the day of the exam were two days that the Flu struck me the most

If I told anybody that my walk is slow (of course, not to compare with P’Ae :P)…they will never believe me…, but on those days I can barely move…it took me 3 whole minutes to stand-up and other 3 minutes to walk across the living room to the kitchen…

…I felt the heat evaporate from my body…I could barely speak, my throat was filled with pain from every-2-3-minute coughing…

…It was a nightmare…

so on the day before the exam date, I sent email to notify Dr.Rubino that I might not be able to make it to the exam room…she’s OK with that, but requested that I need to hand her a letter from the doctor…which is reasonable…except that the Olin Health Center, the nearest hospital, is located at the university entrance and that’s exactly where the I have to take my second bus to the exam room

…well, what’s the point of visiting the doctor if you have to walk in that snow storm (with the mix of freezing rain !) to the Health Center and not making it to the exam room ?

so, I decided that if I can get myself out from the bed the next day…I’ll have an exam…

that night I went to bed around midnight…with the last attempt to practice on the question of home work from previous year…that simple unit conversion took me whole half an hour to get it done !!!

It was the first time in my life that dieing and having an exam have the same definition…

I made it to the exam room with an awfully hollow brain…thanks god it’s an opened book exam, so everything that you understand and know exactly where it is in the book…you will most likely to get marks from that

…so I felt like my hardest attempt to read and understand every bit of the topic we’ve covered in class before my Flu-week was not lose in vain...at least I knew what kind of answers I have to give and where to find them

it was an hourly (60 min) exam with 2 bloody calculation questions and 3 write-‘til-you-dead questions

I felt like I got quite a good answer for every question…

…something got paying off, eh ?

after PKG815 exam, Turk took us, me, P’Oh, Prang and Mod to shopping at Walmart and stopped by at Krispy Kreme’…for donut take-out

Have you ever after experienced anything that you knew exactly it’s the most wonderful experience of its kind ? …no matter when you’ll experience it in the future…it’s not gonna be better than this ?

Tell you what,…while I was having my first ‘Original Glazed’ donut…I knew at once no donut will be wonderful than this…even the second Original Glazed donut…You know what I mean ?

It was like when you met the love of your life, no other man…no matter how amazing that person will be…can compare to that :)

Man vs donut…interesting choice of comparison 555