Tuesday, February 01, 2005

02-01-05: 11 h

Today I woke up real early (7 AM) to attend PKG815 lab at 9 AM…OK 9 may be not that early…, but don’t forget it’s now 30F !!

The most difficult time is the moment you have to force yourself to get off those warm blanket…and walk to the bathroom :P

But once you washed up…it’s a different story :)

Thanks god today is quite warm (it’s 20F something, last week)…

I got to the building at 8:50…and got a phone call from Li, our TA, around 8:57 to notify us that he’ll be late…’coz he’s having a car accident !!!...don’t worry lots of people told me that this kind of trouble’s usually happen to Li…and it’s too often…to believe


So we started our experiment around 9:40…and got to the class of PKG815 lecture around 10:35…15 min late…only to sit down for 10 min, then headed back to Packaging Building to have a quick look on our new machine for permeability measurement

…Continued our Isotherm lab. with Li

…went out for lunch at International Building

…and spent the rest of the time (including waiting for the pressure inside the vacuum oven to reach atmosphere pressure and waiting for the sample to cool down) ‘til 6 PM on Isotherm experiment again !...

When the time I got home…it’s almost 7 PM…it’s freezing out there :(

Then spent about an hour to edit the pics that mom took…and rearrange them so you can see what’s my apartment look like

Room#27 @ CedarView Easr Apartment Posted by Hello

…gotta go…Law&Order SVU is on !