Sunday, May 08, 2005

05-02-05: …with Turk

I’m not at all surprise…that one day this guy will be used as my topic

The thing I’m surprise is what the topic is about…

It’s Monday, May 2nd…and we (= P’Oh, Turk, Prang and I) had only Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare for the last PKG 815 exam. Yet we went to PKG building to hand Dr.Rubino our Term project report…mine was 4 pages of results and discussion with 28 pages of appendix only on calculations.

Around 11 something we want to International building for lunch…and, as usual, (long) talk.

It began with general topic…then getting specific, by P’Oh, on Turk’s former girlfriend…which I and Prang were dying to know…

I don’t know what got to him, ‘coz after 4 months of repeated asked questions from me and Prang…and he didn’t answer a thing…that day he told us all about this former girlfriend of his…which I think it’s best to call her just ‘M’.

If you knew someone for awhile, you’ll know who are important to them by the way they’re talking about or referring to those people.

And when I saw his face when he talked about this M…I know the man is in love…’coz when he’s with me or Prang…he’s always act like a boy…, this was the first time I saw him as a man…and it was touching somehow…to see someone love their special person deeply…

After 4-5 h of ‘Exclusive with Turk’, I, Turk and Prang went to Omi restaurant, Japanese restaurant, for a dinner…we ate and talked ‘til 8 pm

Omi Restaurant

I and Prang still don’t believe how much Turk opened up to us that day…

For me, I still don’t believe how much Turk’s changed during just 4 months that I know him giving that, according to Prang, he’s never been like this since she knew him 2 years ago.

guess that’s why I’m growing to love this boy…’coz beneath those sarcastic and ironic talks is a very care and loving person…to his friends and his love ones.