Monday, January 31, 2005

01-29+30+31-05: Ordinary Weekend

This weekend I and mom mostly stayed at home...well, since I have exam every weekend (PKG802)…I always spend my time during the weekend in my lovely nest :)

Most of my time on Saturday and Sunday was spent on reading PKG815…after several h of frustrated studying…I finished only 4 pages !!!

still 30 pages to go :(

Then on Monday I woke up quite early…trying to finish PKG802 Home Work 2

You know what ?...the more time you spent on working on something, the more paranoid you will be about it

‘coz I’ve already answered all the Q since Friday…actually I did write the answers down in the paper since Tuesday…typed it on Thursday…and did my first correction on Friday :P

Still, I’ve spent 5 h re-correcting it again !!!

Around 6 PM, P’Kerk came to pick us up to go to P’Kate’s lovely place near the town’s cemetery

We threw sort of Birthday Party for P’Kerk and also celebrated his recent marriage (in Thailand) with P’Nong who’s now in Japan

He dropped us off around 11 PM…and we called it a day…