Tuesday, March 01, 2005

03-01-05: I’m wishing…I’m wishing…

I was the first person to get to PKG815 class today…the storm was so severe…it start since yesterday…all day…and continue ‘til now

Everybody arrive after the class start 10 min !

I’m feeling a lot better form the flu…all I have now is just every 15 mins coughing…

Dr.Rubino told us she already marked all exam paper…

She told us the average is around 80 and the highest score is 100…I knew at once it’s Turk’s !...and sure enough I was right

when she said she will give us back our exam paper and go through every question together…


That’s when I start to wish I will see number 8 or number 9 as the beginning of the two digit of my mark (it’s 100 in total)

Look what I’ve got


I wished I'll se number 8 or 9 on my exam paper :) Posted by Hello


555…that is just make my day

…I was shorted 2 marks from 100, ‘coz I forgot to give the unit of the R constant in my calculation…

that’s fine…I’m quite afraid to be perfect, you know ? (:P)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ploy... you're great...
I'm glad to hear that you're getting well, now. Thanks for calling me while you're ill.I'm very appreciate.Congraulations on your exam.