Sunday, May 01, 2005

04-30-05: Someday We'll Know...

Someday we'll know…If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know…Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know…Why I wasn't meant for you

Does anybody know the way to Atlantis ?
Or what the wind says when she cries ?
I'm speeding by the plae that I met you for the 97th time.... tonight

Someday we'll know…Why Sampson loved Deliah
One day I'll go dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know…That I was the one for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
I watched the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question

Why aren't you here with me.......tonight

I feel kindda strange these days

It’s a combination of the feeling that something good is about to happen…and the doubt about what exactly is going to happen…

though I got tons of works to do…reports, home-works and exams

every time I look up toward the bright sky through the freshly-green leaves…I smile

every time I heard stupid joke from PKG people…I laugh real loud

well…there’re lots of happy moment for me these days

partly because it’s spring

partly because my first semester is about to end…I’m not really care how it’s gonna end…all I care is it’s almost over !

partly because…I don’t know…

everything’s great !

yesterday there’re lots of things happen

First, I handed the last report for PKG815…I’m done for the lab report (still have a project report though)

Second, Turk has his defense…without any surprise, he passed…and I have got to say…apart from his what-are-you-thinking haircut…he looked a lot better in a gray suit

Third, I, Prang, Turk and P’Kerk went to a farewell barbecue party for exchange students in accounting (4 girls…and one of them seems to catch Turk’s eyes :P)

We had such a great time :)

After finished the meat, we moved to fry marshmallow…it was so good

the time when we gathered to fry marshmallow in a quite cold and dark backyard of P’Tul and P’LukNok’s house …reminded me of the time I spent with my undergrad friends at Ann’s get-away house.

I never thought I’ll have a chance to go this far…far beyond what I’ve ever wanted…and far from home

I still couldn’t figure out why I feel this way these days

But I think it’s important for you to know…that I still here…feeling great

…and no matter how I feel, where I go or who I’m with…I'm still thinking of you…

Someday we'll know…If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know…Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know...Why I wasn't meant for you

Someday we’ll know…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never thought I am talking to you from the land which was once just a dream I couldn't reach for.

It's so far away..from home..


Okie, take care naja.