Sunday, April 17, 2005



In case you are we are doing...





we are doing great !...thanks :)



Friday, April 08, 2005

04-07-05: A confession of a confused mind

OK…I’m a bit confused about my ability to recognize myself…

let starts back on March 31st, PKG815 2nd exam

I somehow felt like I’m not ready to take the exam…I felt like I didn’t have any knowledge to put in the exam paper…and really wanna kick myself ‘coz I wasted too much time on watching the shows and enjoy eating foods during the last week before the exam…besides on the night before the exam…I got a nerve, so all I did was watching tv all night…I just started reading seriously around 11 pm…and went to be around 2 am

this time there’re only 4 question (plus 2-3 sub-questions each), 2 calculating questions and other 2 were review questions.

The calculating questions were a nightmare…’coz all graphs and data were provided when we did the exercise, so when I saw both questions…it took me 5 min to realize and assure myself that I need to plot 2 graphs to be able to answer the questions !...and please note that it’s not the easy digit like 10,000…it’s 12,873…5694…etc. :(

I finished the first 2 questions as fast as I could…and didn’t have time to re-check any answers.

The review questions were the end of the world…since this course is one of the first 2 courses I took in my FIRST semester here…and that didn’t include the knowledge of injection blow molding, stretch blow molding, biaxial-orientation or un-balanced orientation and also their effects of the properties of the amorphous phase above and below Tg temperature (I’m sorry if all these words scare you :P)…, so when the question ask for the analysis of the effect of these scary words on permeability, diffusion and sorption…I freaked…

I turned pages and pages of reading material back and forth…and finally assume that something involved injection surely had something to do with heat (thanks to Food Processing I :) ) and that had to be related to oriented-melt…now, something that was stretched would probably don’t need heat…so that meant it’s cold draw…and the rest of the exam was as chaotic as I told you.

I was the third person to finish the exam…, of course, after Turk :)

During the walk back to PKG building and the lunch at international center, we compared the answer…I had the feeling I used the wrong sets of equations for question 1 and 2…and I answered question 3 without any knowledge of the thing they asked…for the 4th question, I felt pretty good…, so I told Prang that I expect only 80-90 (from 100) for this exam…and she said I’ll get higher than 90, so we made a bet that if I got mark higher than 92 she will have the right to slap me as hard as she want to…and vice versa

…I was really confident that I’ll not be the one who will be attacked…

today, when I walked into the room, I saw the graph showed all students’ mark…and when the class began, Dr.Rubino gave each of us our exam-paper…

the typical way to gave back the paper which has mark on it to the student was to roll them into cylinder shape with the given mark inside…

P’Oh was the first Thai student to get the paper…she got only 70…I turned to look at Prang and told her that I couldn’t breath properly…she said her heart was about to stop…

Turk was next, and once I saw his usual superior smile…I knew that he got full mark…no surprise for Mr.Perfect…the man’s the real deal :)

Dr.Rubino handed Prang’s paper and then mine…I felt a bit clumsy and dizzy when I stretch the paper to look at the mark…, so I was really surprise when Prang started hitting me with her rolled exam paper


2nd Exam

I don’t know what to say…

I felt like I can’t recognize my own ability…but come to think of it…it may not has anything to do with me…it was probably the lack of ability of Dr.Rubino to check whether the answer was given by the student who truly understand the topic or just lucky to get it right …

I felt uneasy…giving that I and Turk are the only two who got perfect 100…, but I have no idea how I got it, while Turk know exactly what to answer…and he know more beyond than the answer he gave.

anyway…let me assure you this…please not be intimidated by the person who got high mark or academic honor…the true genius one will need more than that to be recognized…and, believe me, you’ll know when you’ve met one :)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

04-04-05: Road to Detroit

I woke up at 7 am for a hurry shower and quick breakfast.

P’Kerk picked me up around 8:20 am for a trip to Detroit. We packed in P’Kerk’s small car…with P’Kerk and Turk in the front…I, Prang and Mod in the back…

Around 10, we got to Detroit…it was the city that past its shining moment…if you know what I meant…the evidence of civilization and sophistication are everywhere…

Somehow it made me a bit sad to see those old and not-so-well-preserved buildings…seems to me (and lots of people) that this city is dying…

It was the time when I saw the Canadian border that I realized how close I am…to home…if home is the place you can find peace…then I definitely have more than one home now :)

We took a lot of photograph (by Mod and Terk) at US border…I stuck mostly with Prang…as Terk and Mod busy took pics of each other…:P

Then we had lunch at Greek restaurant…and visited Thai restaurant, then P’Pu, Prang’s big sister, and Jasmine, P’Pu’s dog at her house…

we got to E. Lansing around 7 pm

to clear spaces for dinner, we went out for a walk.


after watching shows, basketball, and lots of talk, Terk dropped me off at the apartment around 12:30 am

Detroit, April 4th, 2005

sometimes during the trip to Detroit today I heard this song…

Hello my friend, we meet again
It's been awhile, where should we begin?
Feels like forever
Within my heart are memories ff perfect love that you gave to me
Oh, I remember

When you are with me, I'm free
I'm careless, I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

We've seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around in an instant
It feels so good to reunite

Within yourself and within your mind
Let's find peace there

When you are with me, I'm free
I'm careless, I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

and couldn’t help thinking back to the time when P’Ae drove Off and me to Kanchanaburi…wondering, how amazing it would be if I had this trip with them…



When you are with me, I'm free, I'm careless, I believe above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes…My sacrifice

well,…something’s gotta give, right ?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

04-01-05: April Fool’s Day: Budding with the enemy

I started the day with no recognition of what the day it was…of course I knew it’s April 1stthe thing I didn’t remember is that it’s also what we call ‘April Fool’s day’

Ancient cultures, including those as varied as the Romans and the Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. Many countries, however, resisted the change. In fact, some European countries held out for centuries (
Scotland until 1660; Germany, Denmark, and Norway until 1700; and England until 1752).

In 1752, Great Britain finally changed over to the Gregorian Calendar, and April Fool's Day began to be celebrated in England and in the American colonies. Some believe it sort of evolved simultaneously in several cultures at the same time, from celebrations involving the first day of spring.

So I started my day as usual…I went to collected data on PKG815 Term Project…the water vapor transmission rate at steady state by gravimetric method (sounds scary, Eh ?) needed to be check every 2 days…and the isotherm on Tuesday and Friday…for this week, it means that I need to go to packaging building to collect the data every day !

Around 2:30, I met up with Prang and Turk to collect the data together (we share the bucket for isotherm determination)…actually P’Oh’s suppose to be helping Turk when he weight the sample, but she had PKG455 class, so I had to help him out after finished mine and Prang’s…no big deal :)

Then we went to buy the ingredients for Mee-Krob and Kie-Sa-Te which we will bring to International party at Dr.Harte’s house tonight.

By the time we got to Prang’s apartment, Mod was busy cooking Kie-Sa-Te which I single-handed sliced and seasoned 8 lb of chicken myself, yesterday.


With Kei-Sa-Te cooking in Mod’s apartment, I, Prang and Turk used Prang’s apartment as a head-quarter for Mee-Krob.

Tell you what, if somebody tell me one day I’ll have to make Mee-Krob…I’ll consider them as stranger who don’t know me at all…what am I, a chief ?

Anyway it did happen today :P...and we have learned that we need more than 1 people to make it edible…with Turk throw the dried noodle down into the pan with boiling oil, I wait for the right moment to take the whole thing off the pan and Prang…hold the big tray for me to dump the fried noodle in…


Eventually, it’s only I and Turk at frying station…Prang’s off for preparing the dressing ingredients.


Around 5 Pm, P’Oh showed up to help. She said she can hear the screaming, laughing and chatting the minute she turn the corner of the road (the apartment is actually 50 m from the main road !)…and once she had a sight of the apartment she saw the thick band of smoke pouring out from Prang’s window…that’s the case when the oil’s heated pass it’s smoke point.


Just half and hour after we started frying the noodle, there’s smoke everywhere…and I had to borrow Prang’s glasses to partly cover my eyes…every 20-30 min, I and Turk had to get some fresh air at the balcony and whip the tear from our eyes at the same time.


It was a nightmare…yet I found it’s a rare opportunity to get to know the people I meet everyday a lot better…especially Turk.


Prang’s easy going person…probably too easy...


Mod’s a very determined and demanding one…and the only person Turk listens to…with no objection…at all

since I met the man, Turk, he’s always sarcastic…yet he’s like a little boy who enjoys praise from other...and if you know me quite well,… you’ll know that he’s not gonna get such sweet words from me :P

so whenever I was alone with Turk, I always feel the urge to run away…not because I don’t like him, it’s because I don’t know what to talk…we have nothing in common.

But when we are with other…Prang, Mod, P’Oh, P’Kate, P’Na, etc…I can always find stuff to talk about him, especially about his romance with Nong Am and Mod (from my point it’s the truth…but I still don’t know him well enough to verify my suspicious :P)…so, he marked me as his greatest enemy.

but things seem really different today, I had no idea what the heck’s going on with him.

…today, there’s not a single sarcastic word coming out from his mouth…and with the absence of those words, I found a very passionate and fun-to-be-with person…

…it’s probably this new character that made the atmosphere when we went out to get more ingredients and pick up additional tray together (around 5:30-6 pm) a very pleasant situation

It was the first time I can look straight into his eyes…and smile


I’m not sure you can understand this feeling. It’s the feeling when you found that the person you always think might hate you, was actually like you :)

well, there’re some moment when we cooking together and when we were at the party together that he said something like…you like me, don’t you ? …

…I looked at him as if to say…what ?...what is the matter with you today ?

…he said that like 4-5 times today…and I’m not gonna analyze what does he really mean…

It was after Prang told me that she and Mod decided to do something fun on April Fool’s day…and that was to pair I and Turk…just for today…that it struck me…that maybe all that happened today was a lie

…that I was fooled all day to think that Turk actually like me (as a friend…don’t even think he’ll like me as something else)

…that, perhaps, this whole wonderful day of me getting to know all of them…to finally feel like I might belong here…was just a cruel joke…on April Fool’s day...