Tuesday, February 15, 2005

02-07+...+15-05: A Home Work Week

For this week, apart from tons of home work, there were some rather depressing periods – the before-goodbye period - …

Why do I always have to be alone ? Posted by Hello


Let’s see on Monday (the 7th), I stayed at home trying to finish PKG815 for the second round…, every time the knowledge of mom’s leaving in two weeks emerged…I have to spend 10-15 min crying the bathroom, but this wasn’t that bad compared to last time in Canada :P

On Tuesday, we had Packaging Graduate Orientation which lasted almost 2 h…then a PKG815 lecture…Dr.Rubino announced to us that the first exam will be postponed to next-next Tuesday :) …did I ever tell you how much I love her ? :P

On Wednesday, I was trying to complete PKG802 home work…that’s when I realized it’s not easy enough to finish it i
n 5 h !!!


I started with PKG815’s lecture on Thursday, then its lab. in the afternoon.

Sometimes working with people makes you know them better…not in the positive way though…

That day when I and Prang were scaling the samples, well, I’m always the one who scaling them and Prang’s always there to write the numbers down…we get along on working as a group pretty good :) …

When I and Prang were waiting for other groups to weigh their samples, we saw Ing, one of PhD student and her team using one of the balance that we remembered she didn’t use it last time, so we warn her about that (‘coz we have tested them and found that both balances are different in last digit about 8 point !!)…and guess what ?...she said Oh, it’s OK…you know ?...it doesn’t really matter, We can use both balances.

OK people, I’m a little bit confused here…giving that this person have already got her PhD in CHEMISTRY (!!!) in China and are seeking another degree (PhD in Packaging)…How can she not know this basic rule and skill working in the lab ?

Well, like I told you before, when you met someone who’s higher educated than you, it doesn’t mean that the person is smarter than you…:)

And the higher education one has, normally, the more persistent one become.

…of course, part of it because once we’ve learnt more in something, we feel like we have knowledge in that something more than other people (or maybe other tell us we are expert in that something)…that brings confidence…and sometimes it’s too much :(

On Friday around 6 pm, mom and I arrange ‘farewell’ party for mom (?)…we invited every Thai packaging students and also P’Kerk to enjoy ‘Pad-Thai’ and ‘Kaw-Tom-Kerng’ …, so basically, before that time all I did is helping mom prepare the food and type PKG802 home work (it’s 13 pages for the first draft)

I spent every min of the weekend and Monday working on PKG802 and PKG815 homework…which I finished them around 3 in the morning of Tuesday (today) :(

I had to PKG815 lecture ‘til 11:10 AM this morning and spent a couple of hours in the Mail Library and the rest sleeping…my real day just getting start, people !


Sunday, February 06, 2005

02-02+03+04+05+06-05: Like Easter said...

"It nice it happen to you. Like you come to the island and had a holiday. Sun didn't burn you red-red, just brown. You sleep and no mosquito eat you. But the truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled. We lonely here mostly too. If we lucky, maybe, we got some nice pictures to take with us."


after all, the only thing we will get from this world is the memories :)


:P...sorry for my absence again...but it's nothing to report so far


On Wednesday, I stayed at home and finally finished reading PKG815...just the first round...I'll need at least 2-3 times more before all those miracle chemistries will sink into my brain :(

P.S. I think mom is trying to get used to being packaging graduate's mom :)
Posted by Hello


On Thursday, I had PKG815 class 'til 11:10 AM

As Lily asked us what we will going to do as soon as the lecture finished...I was irritated by the fact that I have to stay 'til 3 pm to attend PKG432 laboratory without any useful thing to do...

but wait a minute...Yeah !...I still need to talk to Dr.Singh about my 'Individual study'...which I've planned to do this coming summer...

Actually I had sent an email to him about this and asked for his convenient time that I can discuss the issue with him. He told me to go and talk to him (in his office) on Tuesday...2 weeks ago :P

Hey !, it's no 'coz I didn't try to talk to him..., but every time I went to his office (every day in the first week of our suppose-to-happen meeting...then every couple days in the second week)...he's not there !!!

and the same thing happened...

so I went to International Center Building for lunch with P'Oh and Terk...it turned out to be the 2-hour meal !...first we discussed about Hollywood (what ?), then being a Gay's friend and finally...Thai high society...it was fun :)

as soon as I got back Prang and P'Oh urged me to Dr.Singh office...and he's there :) :) :)

It's least-than-1-minute meeting...and I had loads of homework to do 'til our next meeting...

then around 3 PM...I just realized that the lab. manual I brought with me is PKG815's not 432's (and P'Oh forgot to bring hers)...


well, at least I had a talk with Dr.Singh today :P


On Friday, I went with mom to 'Capital Complex'...unfortunately the camera automatically turned off after we took our 3rd photo !...apparently we forgot to charge its batteries :P

Our first photo (the other two are more or less the same) :(

...in the building, we joined the group of elementary school students and their parents for a tour

it was somehow strange to be the only 2 Asian people...also those not-so-friendly eyes (I'll say 70% of the group) made me felt uneasy...well, perhaps they didn't know the fact that we can't choose our origin, we can only choose what we want to be and how we will live our lifes :) (smile ironically)


On Saturday, we, I and mom, had a 2 and a half-hour shopping at the mall and came back home

Once I saw mom's flight schedule...It occured to me that I'll have only 2 weeks with her 'til we meet again...in the future

I felt really sad...the time to say goodbye is coming...

...in the same time I know she need to go back...every important thing in her life is in Thailand...her 'real' life is in Thailand :) (smile sadly)

and with her gone...I'll be able to concentrate on what I have to do more...'til we meet again :)

yet...the more I think of this coming event, the more miserable I've become...



Today, I's trying to finish the 3rd chapter of PKG802...still 20 pages to go and this is 11 PM !!!

it will be a long night, baby :)

Mom making 'Pork ball' today...it's great !

My usual activities: reading on the couch and searching for the food

Mom's usual activities: snacking, surfing internet...and cooking

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

02-01-05: 11 h

Today I woke up real early (7 AM) to attend PKG815 lab at 9 AM…OK 9 may be not that early…, but don’t forget it’s now 30F !!

The most difficult time is the moment you have to force yourself to get off those warm blanket…and walk to the bathroom :P

But once you washed up…it’s a different story :)

Thanks god today is quite warm (it’s 20F something, last week)…

I got to the building at 8:50…and got a phone call from Li, our TA, around 8:57 to notify us that he’ll be late…’coz he’s having a car accident !!!...don’t worry lots of people told me that this kind of trouble’s usually happen to Li…and it’s too often…to believe


So we started our experiment around 9:40…and got to the class of PKG815 lecture around 10:35…15 min late…only to sit down for 10 min, then headed back to Packaging Building to have a quick look on our new machine for permeability measurement

…Continued our Isotherm lab. with Li

…went out for lunch at International Building

…and spent the rest of the time (including waiting for the pressure inside the vacuum oven to reach atmosphere pressure and waiting for the sample to cool down) ‘til 6 PM on Isotherm experiment again !...

When the time I got home…it’s almost 7 PM…it’s freezing out there :(

Then spent about an hour to edit the pics that mom took…and rearrange them so you can see what’s my apartment look like

Room#27 @ CedarView Easr Apartment Posted by Hello

…gotta go…Law&Order SVU is on !