Monday, January 31, 2005

01-29+30+31-05: Ordinary Weekend

This weekend I and mom mostly stayed at home...well, since I have exam every weekend (PKG802)…I always spend my time during the weekend in my lovely nest :)

Most of my time on Saturday and Sunday was spent on reading PKG815…after several h of frustrated studying…I finished only 4 pages !!!

still 30 pages to go :(

Then on Monday I woke up quite early…trying to finish PKG802 Home Work 2

You know what ?...the more time you spent on working on something, the more paranoid you will be about it

‘coz I’ve already answered all the Q since Friday…actually I did write the answers down in the paper since Tuesday…typed it on Thursday…and did my first correction on Friday :P

Still, I’ve spent 5 h re-correcting it again !!!

Around 6 PM, P’Kerk came to pick us up to go to P’Kate’s lovely place near the town’s cemetery

We threw sort of Birthday Party for P’Kerk and also celebrated his recent marriage (in Thailand) with P’Nong who’s now in Japan

He dropped us off around 11 PM…and we called it a day…

Saturday, January 29, 2005

01-28-05: A Dream

I'm not usually care about know ?, ...(with the exception of Day Dream...which I sometimes consider them as Motivation or Encouragement...which is good :) )...

OK, back to those night dreams...which I believe I have too many...the funny thing is the one that I can remember, it always turn out to be just a dream

...but the one I couldn't remember or the one that seems like one's routine life or one's ordinary event which I usually forget about it as soon as I got off the bed...such dreams, if I had, always...well, let just say 99% of them...will be the event I'll face in the future

strange, ha ? have no need to believe this...and sometimes I don't wanna believe it either

The feeling of your life being controlled by someone or something or the fact that you might actually living in the Matrix...scare me

But I remember reading some articles about people who can see events from their future (come on, don't laugh...:P)...'coz something about the Brain frequency, or something like that...anyway...I believe I'm not the only one who has this 'Vision'


Back to my yesterday's life, shall we ?


Yesterday (it's the 29th when I wrote this) I and mom stayed in the's too (damn) cold to go outside

and all I've done is trying to finish PKG815 reading material...which was proved impossible, so I went to bed around 4 AM

That's when this 'dream' come to know what ? was the first time since I've moved here, that I slept through the night without any waking up

In th dream, One of my old friends came to visit me at my house in Bangkok..., so I asked my mom and dad for the premission to go out somewhere with him.

Then (I think) we went to a temple...a very old and vacant temple...where we talked and talked and talked...and I felt so finally I met a person that I can be myself when I am with...again

Let's me clarify this 'feeling' a minute, it's not the feeling between the lovers, as you might's more like when I was with Pa, Off, P'Ae, or Sai... close friends

It's getting dark, so we headed back home..., but then I remembered I left somtething behind, he offered to get that for me...and I told him I'll be waitting here...I remembered turning around to see what the place looks like...

Then he said...I won't be long, I'll be back soon...just wait here...


that's when my dearest mom woke me up...:) (smile sadly)


I don't know why I felt so sad and empty...probably because I just realized that I'm all alone again...that person - that old friend - disappeared


my mom's theory is I ate too much, slept too little...and we just talked about visiting the temple the coming weekend...well, she may be right :(

..., or probably because I missed my friends too much...after all, all the person I love...all my close friends...all my familiar places and faces...are in Thailand (or in Edmonton)



But I also hopeful...that one day...soon... he'll be back...I don't know who he is or what he looks like..., but I'll know once I met him...and I'll tell him he's been missed

Thursday, January 27, 2005

01-27-2005: A Hidden Bump

Well, sorry for the absence of my diary…to those who ‘have to’ read it everyday as their newspaper…

How can I say…I’m a very devoted teacher, right ?

ha ha ha… :P

My day started early today, ‘coz I need to get to ‘Olin Health Center’ for the ‘Skin Test’ result

Dude, I already knew I didn’t have TB (Tuberculosis)…, but when the nurse who’s amazed by my COMPLETE absence of any bump told me that the reddish purple area around the needle stab could be the ‘hidden bump’ instead of just the bruises…and spent 15 min try to prove that…I almost allowed myself to believe that I’m a walking disease…lol (= laugh out loud*)

After that I took bus # 33 to ‘Holden Hall’…where I spent my almost-an-hour quality time taking a nap , then another 50 min of Dr.Rubino’s class (with first 10 min of trying to make the visualizer work…as usual :) )

Joanne dropped us, Prang, Terk, P’Oh and me, at ‘Packaging Building’, we walked to ‘International Building’ for lunch…you wouldn’t believe how huge the crowd of hungry people was !!!

Then we attended our first laboratory: Equilibrium Sorption Isotherm…well, don’t think it’s as easy as the undergrad lab…you (and I, just before the lab briefing start) have no idea how much knowledge behind those simple graphs is the end of this lab. I think we need to submit a lab. report of at least 30 pages long including 4 different graphs, 5-6 tables and 2-3 solve-it-ourselves equation…Welcome (again) to the graduate student world !

Around 3 pm, I and P’Oh attended another lab., PKG432: Packaging Operations, Process Analysis and Quality Issues which we voluntarily took in order to get our hands on the real packaging machines, ‘coz the course PKG802: Distribution and Machinery (which is required for non-packaging-background graduate student) is an on-line course

Imagine how effective those ‘Long-distance learning’ or ‘On-line MSc degree’ would be ?...without actual practice with the real machine :(

We had so much fun…well, lots of labor too…with the Feeder/Counter and Case sealer machines…How many times will we have a chance to try to be a non-skill, labor worker in the factory ?

Around 4 PM I called it a day…and headed back home

It was a very long…yet fun and excited day somehow :)


* thanks to Off who told me it’s ‘laugh out loud’…well, I thought it’s ‘lots of love’ for about a year !!! :P

Saturday, January 15, 2005

01-15-05: Double Meeting

TSA Meeting on Jan 15th, 2005 Posted by Hello